We are students/workers of the "Escuela Taller de Dinamización de Áreas Comerciales", we offer a free and personalized service, oriented to guidance PYMES in:
- Legislation.
- Municipal procedures.
- Grant and Subsidies.
- Business Calendar.
- Exhibitions.
- Training.
- Organization and planning of courses.
- Elaborations and support to elaborate of proyects that promote the Open Shopping Area.

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012



El 6 de Mayo hicimos una Gymkana en la que los niños/as tuvieron que participar con su madre, la Gymkana contaba con 6 pruebas, el participante que hizó la Gymkana en menos tiempo se llevó una cesta con obsequios cedidos por los diferentes comercios de la ZCA de Gran Tarajal.

La Ganadora fue Sandra Márquez con 6 minutos. Los demás participantes se llevaron un pequeño detalle y un diploma por haber participado.

The 6th of May we made a Gymkana in which the children had to participate with their mother. The Gymkana had 6 games, the participant who made the Gymkana in less time won a basket with products from the different shops and trades of the commercial area of Gran Tarajal.

The winner was Sandra Márquez with 6 minutes.The rest of participants had a little presents and diploma for their participantion

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