We are students/workers of the "Escuela Taller de Dinamización de Áreas Comerciales", we offer a free and personalized service, oriented to guidance PYMES in:
- Legislation.
- Municipal procedures.
- Grant and Subsidies.
- Business Calendar.
- Exhibitions.
- Training.
- Organization and planning of courses.
- Elaborations and support to elaborate of proyects that promote the Open Shopping Area.

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

Foto con Mamá

El sábado 6 de Mayo, expusimos las fotos del concurso: "Una Foto con Mamá", y entregamos el premio a la foto ganadora que se llevo una cesta con productos cedidos por los comercios de la Zona Comercial Abierta participantes en la campaña. 

Last Saturday 6th of May, we exbited the pictures of the contest "A Photo with Mum"  and we gave the prize to the winner of the contest  who received a big basket with products granted by the shops of the Open Shopping Area of Gran Tarajal

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